The Storm! by Jeff Barth

Image result for the storm! jeff barth

“After refurbishing their DC-3 cargo plane, affectionately dubbed Old Gabe, home schooled Bob & Arty spent their afternoons taking flying lessons from their father Jesse Baxter. Aircraft maintenance training at their father’s facilities further prepared the brothers for their missionary aviation ministry. In this series travel with these two young pilots, and occasionally their entire family, as they find themselves embroiled in a South Sea mystery, facing the fears and hardship of jungle travel and hostile natives, making a daring rescue in the frozen tundra of northern Alaska, being caught in the perils of a violent storm and much more.” ~from the back of the book

Title: The Storm!

Author: Jeff Barth

Genre(s): Christian Fiction

Rating: ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ (five stars)

Romance Content: Non-existent!

Recommended age range: 8+?

My Review:

This is my favorite book in the Bob & Arty series so far (even though as of this writing I’ve only read books 1, 3, and 4)!! I enjoyed seeing more of Bob and Arty’s whole family, and especially liked seeing how the whole family worked together. The other thing that I loved about the book were all of the Bible verses (King James!) and spiritual conversations and sermons. There are many good lessons to be learned from it! Also in this book, there is an actual date put to the story (1965), so some of the details were outdated (in the book the Baxters go to Georgetown, British Guayana, which is now Georgetown, Guyana). But that didn’t really affect the reading.

The “Kingdom of God” was mentioned a couple times, which made me wonder if the writers are coming from a “we’re going to bring the kingdom of God to earth” point of view (covenant theology). I do not agree with that theology. Also, at one point someone mentions being in prayer a lot and then someone else says something like, “We’ve been keeping the angels busy lately!” I had to reread that, but I don’t think they were saying that they were praying to angels… but that might be something that needs to be clarified, especially for younger readers.

All in all, I greatly enjoyed this book! It was fun to see more of Josh, Christy and Bessy (Bob and Arty’s brother and sisters) as well as their parents, and I found the spiritual conversations and verses edifying. Highly recommended!

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